Upcoming Events 2024

What People Are Saying

"Energy was on point today. Been in a funk lately and this weekend was great. Collected 10k today!"

- Anonymous

"Eye opening. So many things to work on!"

- Dustin W.

"Phenomenal seminar! Can't wait for the next one!"

- Danton D.

"22k for the week. My CA messed up Mondays stats and accident counted a Pc check 2x so we don't get 10k that day 🙁 But still, haven't had a week over 15k in a while. Feels good. Outside of the food drive nothing different. My energy is way better. My view of decomp has helped a ton. Signed everyone this week except for one."

- Anonymous

"Post Seminar Effect: Staff informed me today that we have went 18 for 21 on care plans this week. All of September and Octoer I don't think I had more than 15 sign up's each month total."

- Dustin W.

"Yes, if there's a list... which mine is long. It was a great seminar. Be proud Dr. Ryan. You did us good."

- Zgia K.

"Hell yah brother! Great seminar with great chiropractors! I'm never missing one of these."

- Travis R.

"This weekend was awesome! Great seminar! Thanks Dr. Warren!"

- Allen M.

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